Our motherland Bharat achieved outstanding standard in Medical science in almost all aspects, which can be enumerated one by one, from the basic understanding of the concept of health, up to the level of performing high technological skills.
Category: Education
In Temple construction two important things are to be fixed before starting
1. The auspicious time for the beginning in Boomi Pooja, Kumbha Abhishekam etc.
2. The fixing the Directions (mainly 8, North, East, South, West and the 4 in between directions).
Here Astronomy plays the important role and based on it only the construction proceeds.
It is well known that each circle has 360° of angles. But why 360°? Why not 400° or 500° to make calculations easier? What is the basic concept behind this computation of 360° of angles for a circle? Who first, when and in what text, developed this concept? When we analyse and go in-depth into these details, we will astonish to know the mighty knowledge and the wisdom of the Rishies of our Motherland, Bharat.